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Ludwig Goransson
Creed (Original Motion Picture Score) 2-LP
Drager: LP nieuw
Genre: Soundtrack
Artiest : Ludwig Goransson
Titel : Creed (Original Motion Picture Score)




1. Juvy
2. Adonis
3. Your Daddy Died In The Ring
4. Meeting Rocky
5. Conlan (Redemption)
6. First Date
7. Moving In With Rocky
8. Front Street
9. Pre-Fight
10. The Sporino Fight
11. Liverpool
12. I Got You
13. Rocky Falls
14. Rocky Is Sick
15. Caught In The Shadow
16. If I Fight, You Fight (Training Montage)
17. Boxing Shorts
18. Conlan Fight
19. You`re A Creed
20. You Can See The Whole Town From Here
21. End Credits - Creed
22. Creed Suite