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Steve Earle
Just An American Boy - A Film About Steve Earle By Amos Poe
Drager: dvd muziek
Genre: Country
Artiest : Steve Earle
Titel : Just An American Boy - A Film About Steve Earle By Amos Poe



1. Just An American Boy 1:40:00

ust An American Boy is a documentary about Steve Earle directed by Amos Poe, best known for his work on the legendary punk movie Blank Generation. Shot at the height of the controversy about Earle`s song ``John Walker`s Blues``, Just An American Boy is a portrait of Earle standing by his politics and his music. The film contains 18 live recordings of songs spanning Earle`s 25 year career as one of American musics most powerful voices, including ``Guitar Town``, ``Copperhead Road``, ``Jerusalem`` as well as on stage monologues on topics ranging from Steve`s hometown through to his opposition to the death penalty.